隱私權保護政策內容,包括本網站如何處理在您使用網站服務時收集到的個人識別資料。 隱私權保護政策不適用於本網站以外的相關連結網站 ,也不適用於非本網站所委託或參與管理的人員。
個人資料之蒐集 與使用方式
1. 單純在本網站的瀏覽及檔案下載行為,本網站並不會蒐集任何有關個人的身份資料。
2. 網站會記錄使用者上站的 IP 位址、上網時間以及在網站內所瀏覽的網頁等資料,這些資料係供本網站管理機關內部作網站流量和網路行為調查的總量分析,以利於提昇本網站的服務品質,且本網站僅對全體使用者行為總和進行分析,並不會對個別使用者進行分析。
3. 本網站有義務保護各申請人隱私,非經您本人同意不會自行修改或刪除任何個人資料。除非經過您事先同意或符合以下情況始得為之:
a. 違反本網站規定事項,如在『討論區』中出現謾罵或做人身攻擊的言論時。
b. 保護或防衛相關個人的權利或所有權。
c. 為保護本網站各相關單位之權益。
服務條款 Terms of Service
Welcome to the WT e-Learning (hereinafter referred to as "this website"). To protect your rights, please carefully read all the terms and conditions of membership on this website.
By selecting the "Agree" option, you are deemed to have read, understood, and agreed to comply with the contents of the following terms of service.
By using or continuing to use this service, you indicate that you have read, understood, and agreed to accept all the contents of these terms of service and any subsequent amendments or changes.
責任與義務 Responsibilities and Obligations
Members are obligated to properly safeguard the account and password applied for on this website and are responsible for all activities conducted after logging in with this account and password. Members must log out after each use of the services provided by this website to prevent unauthorized use by others.
Members agree not to disclose or provide their account and password to any third party, nor lend or transfer them for others to use. If a member discloses their account and password, resulting in an inability to use the account, loss of member benefits, or any legal liabilities, the member shall bear the related responsibilities.
If a member discovers that their account or password has been used illegally or that there are any abnormal security issues, they should immediately notify the website service staff.
This website reserves the right to modify the membership service terms at any time, including additions, changes, and terminations of the membership service terms. The modified content will be announced on the homepage of this website without separate individual notifications to members. Members should pay attention to such announcements to ensure their own rights and interests.
If a member disagrees with the modifications to the terms of service, they should immediately stop using the service and notify the website. If a member continues to use the services of this website after any modifications or changes to the terms of service, it will be deemed that the member has read, understood, and agreed to the relevant modifications and changes.
4. 成員同意接受本網站所寄發的電子報及其他相關資訊。
Members agree to receive newsletters and other related information sent by this website.
行為規範 Code of Conduct
Members are required to adhere to the contents of these terms of service, the relevant regulations published by this website, as well as all internet regulations and practices. Specifically, members are prohibited from engaging in the following or similar behaviors:
Transmitting, sending, or storing any data that infringes upon the intellectual property rights or other rights of others.
Unauthorized extraction or use of all or part of the content within any database of member services without consent.
Transmitting, sending, or storing viruses or any other programs or messages that are capable of disrupting or interfering with computer systems or data.
Unauthorized access to member service systems, illegal hacking, circumventing "Digital Rights Management" (DRM) or anti-copying measures, or impersonating others or forging identification data without authorization.
Any act of stealing member service member accounts, passwords, or access permissions.
Disrupting or interfering with the operation of member services or violating general internet etiquette.
Any behavior that obstructs or interferes with other users' use of member services.
Damaging and disrupting any data, activities, or functions provided by this service, or attempting to invade, disrupt, or damage any system of this service in any way, or using this service for any behavior that infringes upon or damages others.
9. 從事不法行為或張貼虛假不實、引人犯罪之訊息。
Engaging in illegal activities or posting false, misleading, or criminal messages.
智慧財產權 Intellectual Property Rights
The intellectual property rights, including patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, proprietary technologies, and other intellectual property rights of the software, programs, and content (including text descriptions, images, graphics, files, page design, website layout, etc.) used or provided on this website belong to the company or other rights holders.
Without prior written consent from the rights holders, members are prohibited from reproducing, publicly transmitting, broadcasting, publicly displaying, adapting, editing, renting, distributing, reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, or using in any other way.
In case of violation, besides bearing legal responsibilities, if such actions cause damages or losses to the company, the company reserves the right to seek compensation from the member responsible.
If you do not have the legal right to authorize others to use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, transmit, adapt, distribute, publish, or otherwise disseminate certain information, or to transfer such rights to third parties, please do not upload, transmit, input, or provide such information to this website without proper authorization.
Once you upload, transmit, input, or provide any data to this website, you acknowledge that you have allowed this website to use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, transmit, adapt, distribute, publish, or otherwise disseminate such data for both public and private interests. Furthermore, this website may transfer these rights to others. You agree to these terms without objection.
您並應保證本網站使用、修改、重製、公開播送、公開傳輸、改作、散布、發行、公開發表、轉授權該等資料,不致侵害任何第三人之智慧財產權,否則您應對本網站負損害賠償責任(包括但不限於訴訟費用及律師費用等) 。
You should also ensure that the use, modification, reproduction, public broadcasting, transmission, adaptation, distribution, publication, public disclosure, and transfer of rights to such data by this website do not infringe upon any third party's intellectual property rights. Otherwise, you are liable to compensate this website for damages (including but not limited to litigation costs and attorney fees).